Success Begins with that First Step

  We should always strive to learn something new. How can we know if we don't enjoy something if we never try it? I started sewing in 1991 and I was perfectly happy with this, no plans to expand out to a new 'Sewing Thing'. Then one day while volunteering in my daughters class the teacher was talking with the students on what they could do as a class for the upcoming school fund raiser. Then she came up with an idea. She knew I enjoyed sewing. So she asked the class if they would like to make a quilt. Me, sitting at my table doing whatever it was she had me doing, thought nothing of it until I heard her say, Mrs. Carter can make the quilt for us! The kids cheered, looked at me, and I said very meekly, OK? I later told her I had never made a quilt before, but I had a friend who did quilt. So a plan was made and I fell in love with the process. It was a great experience for me. The kids drew pictures of their favorite places around where we live, and it brought in a decent amount. I was happy it brought in more than it had cost to make the quilt. This was in 2010, I think. With my friends help I was able to make a very simple quilt. I quilted it with straight lines just outlining the blocks and the small pink border.

Several years later another friend who quilted told me if I would ever start Free Motion quilting I would never want to go back. Well, I tried, and I failed miserably. It was difficult and frustrating. It stressed me out. Finally, I decided, if I really wanted to learn how to free motion I would have to watch videos, ask those who knew how to do it, and pray real hard. I still struggled. Then my prayers changed to 'help me learn and I'll give my quilts to whomever you want me to.' Then those little promptings started coming. I changed the way I did things and decided to get a sewing machine that was made for free motion. I was getting the hang of it before the new machine because I knew the only way was practice, practice, practice. The new machine made it easier also. I started with simple free motion on small wall hangings. (In 2016)

 But I am now so grateful I did not back down. I do enjoy simple quilting with my walking foot if the quilt needs simplicity. But my favorite part of quilting is the free motion part. I have a desire to create a quilt from one piece of fabric and my quilting being the design. I have not attempted this yet because it is a bit overwhelming, but have decided to start with a pillow or small wall hanging. Starting small with the things we learn can lead to bigger things if we just let it.                                                                      

Don't let the fear of failure overcome you. More often than not success is waiting just around the corner.                                                                                                                                                      


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