Smallest of Changes
Life is busy. We are constantly trying to fit that last thing in that we feel we MUST do. We rearrange the way we do things, cut back on some things, pick up other habits. But what are we really changing in our life? Is it for the good, or just what we feel will make life easier? Do we stop doing the important little things so we can fit in the big things we feel are so important? When quilting it is very important to watch how you cut and sew. I was putting a block together that had a lot of little pieces. after sewing a row together, I tried to fit it to another row. It just wouldn't fit. When I figured out what was wrong, a piece was cut just a tad to small. Just that little bit off of the one block can make a world of difference. Life is the same way. We go through life making choices of how to best fit in everything we need to do. When things are hectic, we sometimes cut corners. At first we don't see the affect it has on us, and maybe those around us. But in time, things just don't mesh together as smoothly as we want them to, or even as much as they use to. We must reevaluate our life to figure out what we are doing wrong, or just differently. We might look at our life and think, I don't see any difference, and if I do it isn't significant. But even the smallest of changes can make a difference.
These two squares look the same. But when you closely exam them they are not the same size. A little more has been cut off one than the other.
If you look closely you will see that the 2nd square is about an 1/8 of an inch smaller on one side. THIS can make a HUGE difference when quilting, especially if you have made this mistake numerous times. When I realized this it got me thinking. What have I cut out of my life to make it more stressful, too busy? Am I praying, reading my scriptures, serving others, taking time to meditate, paying my tithing, going to church, spending quality time with my family, telling those I love that I do love them? There are numerous things that I may have cut back on or even quit doing. But also, just as important, what have I started doing that isn't bad, but not the best things to do? Am I reading more but not necessarily uplifting books, watching to much brainless tv shows and movies, separating myself from family to much, spending to much time on the computer, putting myself above others needs, especially my family? Here again there are numerous things I could have started doing that has started shaving off from my life the ability to receive that spiritual guidance I so desperately need. There are times I really have to look close to realize just what the problem is so I can fix it. Life is too short to cut off the important things. My relationship with my Heavenly Father and elder brother Jesus Christ is the most important. My relationship with my family is next. I have found that when I am right with the Lord, I am right everywhere else. I don't know about you but life is way to hard to not have the guidance of my Heavenly Father. And while I struggle everyday to make sure these 2 areas of my life are where they need to be I am grateful to be blessed with the insight of what to work on, when I ask. If you don't ask, well, you can't fix a problem you don't know you have or are unwilling to work on.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock and it shall be open unto you. Matthew 7:7
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