Forever Strong

While cleaning my sewing room, trying to organize it, yet again, I found a ton of little squares already sewed together, waiting so patiently to become a quilt. These were small squares, sewn together with small strips. By themselves, not worth much use to anyone at all. So I took part of that pile of squares and made this scrappy quilt. It amazes me how I can take a little of this and a little of that, put it together and make something so useful. to the untrained eye, all those little blocks were just that, scraps. Little value until they were combined together added with more small strips and squares, to make a uniform quilt. 
Isn’t that how life is? Every little thing we put into our life shapes it and helps us become who we are. Honoring our parents, taking care of grandparents, helping nieces and nephews, serving others, reading our scriptures, praying, going to church. And by stitching the squares together they become bigger and bigger till they can to serve a purpose. While the squares don't amount to much by themselves when they are put together, we get something beautiful that also can serve a big purpose. 
When quilting this quilt I decided to do butterflies, because they are strong. They start their life as a caterpillar, moving ever so slow and having to eat all the time. Most caterpillars are not beautiful, but they are amazing.  Then through a huge struggle, and a long sleep, they emerge as a beautiful butterfly that can fly. We are a lot like the caterpillar that becomes a butterfly. I don't know if the caterpillar knows when it is born that it will become the beautiful butterfly. Just like we do not know the potential we can have until we are put to the test. We don’t always see our full potential. We may think we will always be that big, round, caterpillar, always eating. But our Heavenly Father knows our true potential. It's not an easy task the caterpillar has to emerge from the cocoon to become that beautiful butterfly that can fly where ever it wants and for miles. Just like the caterpillar emerging from its cocoon, we must do the same. Our Father in Heaven is with us as we emerge from our cocoon. He is there to help us, to send others to help us, to inspire us to help others, so that we can be like the butterfly, flying high, reaching the potential only He knows we can. We are strong. We are inspiring. We are like that caterpillar, growing, developing, trusting. and like the butterfly, pushing through those hard times so we can fly. It's not easy, but it is worth is.


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